martes, 19 de enero de 2021

Ecosystems definitions and review


-           An ecosystem includes all the living and non-living things in a particular place as well as the relationships between them.

-    A habitat is the place where a particular living thing lives.

An Ecosystem is made up of two parts:

-        -  Biotope: or Physical environment. Includes all the non-living things.

-       -   Biocoenosis: includes all the living things.

-           Population: is a group of organisms that live together and belong to the same species. 

-           Community: collection of different populations that live together in one place (different species)

Types of relationships:

-       -   Intraspecific relationships: exist between individual members of the same species.

-       -   Interspecific relationships: exist between individual members of different species.

Trophic relationships:

Are the relationships between the animals that eat and are eaten.

-         Producers: make their own food. Example: plants and algae.

-         Primary consumers: eat plants. Example: herbivores (rabbit)

-         Secondary consumers: eat primary consumers. Example: carnivores and omnivores (snake)

-         Tertiary consumers: eat secondary consumers. Example: carnivores (eagle)

-         Decomposers: break down the remains of dead organisms. Example: fungi and bacteria.

A food chain shows the trophic relationships between different organisms.

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